My Big Fat Gothic Wedding


Back to shoots I love, we have this. A lot like the burlesque shoot, you can tell they didn’t have a huge budget with this, but they did quite well and it looks legitimate to me, at least. The results are even stronger than that week, too.

1. Amber

Yes, finally! I love seeing Amber’s beauty really come through in a photo–she’s really a stunning girl, but up to this point, she’s been rather middling. Her figure is perfect for a corset, she’s curvier than most of the other girls so it accentuates all the right things. I quit like the pose, too, it has a certain sass to it, which paired with the very over-it facial expression creates a sort of dissonance to the photo, which should throw it off, but only makes it stand out, and I love it.

2. Abigail

This one is fantastic, too. I love the all black ensemble on sunny blonde Abigail, I live for that kind of contrast in photos. I’m in love with the angle this photo was taken at, Abigail looks very elevated and it adds this almost queenly dimension to the shot. Her face is also stunning, I would kill for a good quality close up of this. Love the background, too.

3. Samantha

This one screams vampire priestess, and I adore it, personally. Maybe it’s because I’ve had this weird thing lately where I really dig velvet clothing, but it looks so cool to me. Something very vintage looking about it. I also think Samantha looks more like a model here than she ever has or probably ever will, her face is pretty goddamn stunning in this shot.

4. Lianna

I love the nipple in your face…it’s such a nice change of pace from American prudishness. This is also gorgeous. I really like how Lianna is pulling out the fabric, it frames her face very nicely, which also looks quite gorgeous. I wish she wasn’t, like, crouching a little like she is…but other than that, I really dig this photo.

5. Sarah

LOVE the big-ass headdress. I love any sort of over the top, look-at-me accessory like that. I also think Sarah looks stunning here, I love how the light and shadows play on her face. I like the pose a lot, I like how she looks like some priestess taking a rest because she’s just worn out from her work.

6. Tamar

Okay, this one is cool, I love the angle, I once again like the velvet texture of the dress, and the pose is pretty cool, even if it crosses the line into cornsville a little. I think the face throws me off a little, though, and makes it even cornier. She almost reminds me of the mom from the Addams family, for some reason.

7. Georgina

This isn’t bad at all, there’s some stuff to like. I quite like the set and composition of the photo, I like the pose, and I like the outfit a fair bit. Mostly the face lets her down, because this makeup is really not flattering on Georgina–gothic style looks a bit weird on anyone who isn’t pasty white and nothern european looking.

8. Sophia (Eliminated)

Yeah, this seems right. Sophia has never been the worst, but she’s rarely very good, and her look is quite generic. This photo isn’t terrible, I like how her hair looks and how shes pulling on it, but boy does she ever look old. That makeup is not a good look for her.

9. Jasmia

What in the ever loving shit is going on in this photograph? Why does Jasmia looks 4 feet tall? Why is her arm being impaled? Where is her OTHER arm even at? Is her face melting off because of a gypsy curse? I’m very concerned.

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