Hold Your Colours


If you know me, you know I’m a sucker for a good beauty shoot, and this is a good one for sure. Very well executed, I like how close up they were taken, it gives this almost surreal feeling.

1. Abigail

I have to say, this is probably the most iconic picture of the cycle. It’s definitely what I tend to remember first when I think of this season, even if it’s not my absolute favorite of the cycle. It’s damn good, don’t get me wrong, though. I love the spider web eye lashes, the gradient from pink to blue on her face, her adorable little lips and teeth, and how she’s looking off camera. It’s almost a little mischievous.

2. Georgina

Georgina, who’s name I consistently type as Goergina, really stood out from the pack this week, what with being in profile and all. This would have more impact uncropped, but you do what you do with what you have, I guess. I love Georgina’s features, she has gorgeous lips and bone structure, and I love how her eyes look. It’s really interesting to me that you can still feel how she’s emoting without her eye’s facing the camera. I also love this color on Georgina.

3. Tamar

So finally, Tamar kind of justifies her place. This isn’t the second coming or anything, but it’s very beautiful. I love how sultry her expression is (that seems to be the one expression Tamar knows how to do right) in this photo. The biggest highlight are her eyes, which are simply stunning here, from shape to color, all around beautiful. I also love the golden/yellow colors and how they look with her green eyes.

4. Amber

Such beautiful eyes on this one. That’s saying something, too, because I’m not normally blown away or even particularly attracted to brown eyes. Amber’s are just gorgeous, though. I also love the angle it was taken from, it almost looks like she’s looking over her shoulder at the viewer. Gorgeous lips, as well.

5. Sarah

This may be Sarah’s weakest performance to date, which, if anything, is a testament to how strong of a model she is, because this is still pretty great. The angle is a bit much, the jaw is definitely a bit overwhelming, but Sarah still has such stunning features. I love how her face looks here, especially her eyes and lips.

.6. Jasmia

You know, I actually really appreciate the effort put into doing something different here. Jasmia actually has a pretty nice, genuine smile, the main drawback is how thin her lips look and how they blend in with her skin, making her look…lipless. It’s weird. I think she has pretty eyes too, and I like the color combination smattered over her forehead.

7. Lianna

Quite a massive drop off in quality here…this isn’t good at all. Kind of foul, actually. Lianna looks so droopy and sweaty here to me, like she has some kind of horrible illness. Her teeth are also busted as hell, and her droopy eyes aren’t attractive in this photo to me at all.

8. Samantha (Eliminated)

You know, even though her photo last week was kind of stunning, I’m not at all upset about this elimination, mostly because this photo, and Samantha in general, kind of suck balls. This is so awkward and weird looking, her eyes are bugging out and her teeth look terrible.

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