English Country Garden


This is another pretty great shoot, three in a row at this point, yay! My favorite part of this is the outfits–they’re so cute, for the most part. I have VERY ambivalent feelings about the eliminations, though, with one of my favorites getting the boot alongside one of my least favorites.

1. Georgina (Eliminated)

Yeah, this is a bullshit elimination. This girl is stunning, and looks amazing here. The simplicity works so well–it looks almost National Geographic or something to me. I think it’s mainly because there’s sort of a subtle sadness to her face, like she’s a survivor of some kind of horrible genocide or something and she’s permanently tainted with sadness from it. I love the way the light hits her, and corset corset corset, I fucking love them.

2. Amber

This one is so cute, it looks like something that would be hung in a frame in some old country house. I love how it looks like she’s off in space daydreaming. The outfit, atleast what we can see of it, looks pretty cool, I like how poofy the skirt is.  In a weird way, I also like that we can only see one of her legs, since with the position she’s sitting in the other would’ve just been dangling in the air.

3. Jasmia

Doesn’t Jasmia’s face looks SUPER beautiful here? Like, hands down the best she’s ever looked. I love her lips and eyes so much. The horse is fucking adorable, too, and I like how she’s actually touching it instead of just sitting next to it.

4. Sarah

I love how this shot is sort of at an angle–like it was taken on a hillside or something. Sarah has an amazing body, her waist looks great and she appears to be about ten feet tall in this photo. I also have to say I fucking adore her outfit, so goddamn cute, and her face is as pretty as ever.

5. Lianna

MUCH better than last week. This is quite pretty, and also shows off how much better Lianna looks with long hair as opposed to the cut they gave her for makeovers. I think the dress is lovely and looks quite good on Lianna, and I love the hat. Her facial expression is a bit strange, she doesn’t seem to have a lot of control over her mouth, but it’s not too bad.

6. Abigail

Miley Cyrus: The Latter Years? This is better than the higher quality photo of her from this shoot floating around, but it’s still not great. The pose is quite strange and I’m not sure what she was going for, and her face looks quite harsh and old. She was really at a disadvantage though, everyone else got such pretty outfits and she was stuck with this.

7. Tamar (Eliminated)

Bookends! The two eliminated girls did the best and the worst this week. This is so awkward. Tamar’s legs looks short and stubby, and it looks like she’s falling. I’m really not sure what this pose even is, she doesn’t appear to be sitting but she seems stationary? Is she trying to do a crabwalk?

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