Camera Shy

Whaaaaaat who when why how

It’s been just a year shy of my last post (i thought it had been longer tbh) and let me tell u some shit

I stopped posting because A. school, B. I got stuck real far up some guys ass for a few months, and C. declining mental health led to me almost losing my goddamn mind™ until I started a new medication that has brought my brain back from the brink of batshit insanity, so I can actually focus long enough to type a blog post now. Yay! That was a couple months ago, but I had to finish up some school shit, and then of course holidays. Anywho, back to this ;


This continues the trend of amazing photoshoots, they all look hot and glamorous as fuck. As you can see, the eloquence with which I handle the english language has only increased tenfold.

1.Il Hong

This fucking outfit is so goddamn cute. If I wasn’t a hairy out of shape man I would wear the fuck out of it. Il Hong looks so cute here, I love how she looks casual yet you would never doubt she was a model. Love her legs here, how they kind of turn inwards is really cute. The way shes tugging on the purse (?) makes it look more genuine to me too. Love the hair and how she looks with red lipstick, and look at that pinky. That’s so cute.

2. Yoo Kyung

Yoo Kyung looks like such a rich asshole here and I love it. She looks like she just cannot be bothered with people because she’s much too wealthy and hot. I like though that if you look at her hand, which sort of looks like she’s clawing at the jacket, it adds another dimension to it…like she’s got something on her mind and is anxious. Which makes you wonder if she’s wearing sunglasses to hide something. I like photos that you can build a story around.

3. Na Rae

Neither in this photo nor Min Sun’s do I think they look like models, but Na Rae looks good enough that I’m not bothered by it. She looks like one half of a hot Korean music duo or something. I love how easily her baby features translate into sex kitten.

4. Ji Min

Ji Min looks so conceited here and it sort of makes the photo. She has that look of “oh, you like that pose?”, like she’s just eating up the attention instead of ignoring it or rejecting it. She looks incredibly tall too, long legs and a very slender torso. Does the dog look like a big ass cotton ball to anyone else?

5. Min Sun

Min Sun looks like such a Kpop girl here. It almost borders on too unmodelesque for me, even though she looks super cute. It’s a stark difference from last week where she looked like a painting come to life to looking like a trendy cutesy pop singer.

6. Hye Ji

I find Hye Ji to be not the most appealing facially but she sometimes get a good angle and looks very pretty. I like how defined her jawline is here. Her body is the best part though, she looks very chic and confident.

7. Hyo Kyeong

That is a cute ass shirt. Love the hair too. Hyo Kyeong looks so pretty here, I think this is a great angle for her facial features. Arm is very stiff though, and the biggest flaw is that Yoo Kyung steals her attention.

8. Young Eun (Eliminated)

I find this cute, but damn there’s something very dopey about it. Finger in the mouth is a risky gamble in modeling and it did not pay off here. Love her legs though. And how good does Il Hong look here? So good.

9. Ye Ji

This is pretty and has shades of what made Ji Min’s photo so good, but it veers too close to Cheesetown, USA. I think she went too far in portraying the rich socialite trope and ended up looking comical. Love love love her legs though and pink is her color.

10. Dan Bi (Eliminated)

I’m not like teary eyed that they sent Dan Bi home, because this isn’t that good (but then again, being close to Hye Lim sort of makes you suck by proxy), but I think she had done well up to this point and even though this isn’t great, there is something about her face I like here. Something about the lined lower lids and heavy bangs gives her a sort of ghoulish appearance that I like.

11. Doo Hee

I wish they would send granny home. Her face looks like a goddamn pancake here. Like, it looks so flat I feel like she would need special made glasses so they dont just slide off her face. The “can I speak to the manager?” hair isn’t cute or flattering in the slightest, and her body is out of focus.

12. Hye Lim

Hello there, squinting 12 year old hipster. This is unnattractive.

2 thoughts on “Camera Shy

  1. i’m a little late catching up with what you’ve been writing this year, I’ve been reading it in reverse because that’s how the wordpress reader works, but yay, it’s good to have you back! You’re as funny as ever! And good for you taking care of yourself

    • Glad you still read! and thank you!! ❤ I think you still had the best writing I've seen on these types of blogs but if I can be half as good as that I'll be happy haha

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